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We address the needs of children who require special attention to learning but school set-up may not be the best option for them.

At Learn At Home, we offer 2-hour instructional time five times a week, with focus on the student’s skills set and readiness to learn, vis-a-vis the competencies based on the curriculum.

Quality instruction: Students are trained to be motivated learners who possess a love for learning by providing a nurturing environment where skills development could prosper.

Experienced and highly committed teachers: teachers act as motivators, models, and individual mirrors to encourage, inspire, and help in the academic development of the students.

Affordable: With the comprehensive features of Learn At Home, parents can discover the achiever in their child for as low as $600.

Monthly progress report: a written progress report is provided every month to address the current strengths and areas for improvement based on curriculum standards

Flexible: parents can choose their child's schedule according to their availability; they can also download every tutorial session to keep track of their child’s learning.

Enrichment materials: teachers will also provide personalized materials for topics that are difficult for students to help them grasp the topics better.


(Recurring Charge - You will be billed on a Monthly Basis)

ONE TIME ENROLLMENT FEE OF $500 is REQUIRED for initial sign up

What you're paying for today is the $500 (OTEF) + $600 (1 MONTH) = $1100

Assisting learners to excel academically through one-on-one instruction online at an affordable price.

Learn At Home responds to the emerging needs of learners who strive for academic excellence yet are limited with the current learning set-up. With professional and experienced teachers who are committed to look after the children’s best interests, students are ensured to maximize their potential by providing individualized instruction focused on the unique needs of each learner.

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